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Quick Notes for React Agent

A ReAct Agent is an intelligent agent architecture that combines Reasoning and Action capabilities, designed to solve tasks requiring continuous reasoning and multi-step operations. The term “ReAct” comes from Reasoning and Acting, referring to the combination of reasoning and action.

Basic Concept

The key feature of a ReAct Agent is its ability to perform reasoning while executing actions, and to adjust its action strategy based on feedback and observations from each step. Unlike traditional static strategies, a ReAct Agent dynamically adapts its actions by considering both the current task and new information, making it well-suited for uncertain and complex environments.

How It Works

The ReAct Agent completes tasks by alternating between reasoning, action, and observation in a cycle. Its operation is similar to the Thought-Action-Observation loop, but during the reasoning process, the ReAct Agent continuously updates its understanding and strategy. This process can be broken down into the following steps:


  • At each step, the ReAct Agent first reasons based on the current task state and context. This reasoning process is the core of problem-solving, where the agent analyzes the complexity of the task and proposes potential solutions or action strategies.
  • For example, the AI needs to understand the input request and decide the next best action.


  • Once a clear reasoning direction is established, the agent takes a specific action. This could involve sending a request to an external system, calling a function, querying a database, or further breaking down the problem.
  • Action is the step where the ReAct Agent actually performs tasks to move the progress forward.


  • After each action, the agent observes the results or changes in the external environment. By analyzing the feedback from these changes, the agent can evaluate whether the previous action was successful or if adjustments are needed.
  • The feedback from observation is crucial for driving further reasoning and actions.


  • The agent uses the information gathered from observation to start reasoning again, followed by the next action. This process continues until the task is completed or the goal is achieved.

Why Is ReAct Agent Important

Solving Complex Tasks

  • ReAct Agents are particularly suitable for complex tasks with multiple steps and goals, as they can adjust their strategy at each step based on environmental feedback, rather than determining all steps in advance.

Dynamic Adjustment

  • By combining reasoning and action, the agent can make real-time adjustments instead of relying on a fixed action plan. This is especially important in uncertain or dynamic environments.

Efficient Problem Solving

  • Compared to agents that only follow a set of static rules, ReAct Agents are more efficient in solving tasks requiring continuous reasoning because they learn and improve their strategies while taking actions.

Application Scenarios for ReAct Agent

  • Game Agents: In automated game-solving, a ReAct Agent can observe the game’s state and take different actions to achieve the goal.
  • Dialogue Systems: In complex conversational environments, a ReAct Agent can gradually analyze the user’s intent, manage the dialogue, and dynamically adjust responses.
  • Automated Operations: In system operations, a ReAct Agent can analyze the system’s state, take automated repair actions, and make further adjustments based on the feedback from each operation.


Refer to react example as a simple python example, good luck!


The ReAct Agent is a powerful intelligent agent architecture that excels at handling complex or dynamic tasks by combining reasoning and action. Through continuous feedback from the environment, the ReAct Agent can flexibly adjust its strategy, effectively solving multi-step and multi-phase tasks.